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Perak Housing and Property Board Creates New e-property Portal

25 Mar 2019

IPOH: The Perak Housing and Property Board (LPHP) has created an e-portal to allow people to view registered properties and property developments in the state.

State Housing, Local Government, Public Transport, Non-Islamic Affairs and New Villages committee chairman Paul Yong Choo Kiong said the the Sistem eHartanah Perak (Perak eProperties System) at would allow people to browse through a list of LPHP-registered properties.


"The people can review which properties best suit them. There will be information about the property, including its location, specifications and price," he said during a briefing on the state's new housing policy here on Monday (March 25).

Yong said that people will have to register to use the e-portal, which is part of the state's new housing policy to create a win-win situation for developers and the public. 


Yong added that the new policy covers a lot of things, including the development of more affordable homes under the state's Rumah Perakku initiative, the control of property prices and the management of bumiputera lots.

Yong also said that starting from April 1, the release of bumiputra lots would only take about six months.

“Developers get to sell their units faster and as the government, we can use the levy to build more affordable housing," he said.

It was reported in February that the state has announced to shorten the waiting time for the release of unsold bumiputera lots.

Yong also said that the government has already built about 1,200 affordable houses and some 35,000 Rumah Perakku houses for B40 (low-income) and M40 (middle-income) groups.

We found that between 2013 to 2017, only 1.24% out of 61,658 house units in Perak were affordable homes.

"Our target is to have at least 5,000 affordable homes before 2023," he said.


“Shortly after Pakatan formed the state government, we conducted a workshop with the Real Estate and Housing Developers Association (REHDA) Perak, local councils, the LPHP and government-linked companies (GLC) to discuss improving our housing policy," he said.


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